With the rising probability of another election victory for Merkel and her 'christian' democratic party, the PR machines are revving up for a post-election Agenda 2020. The protagonists in this PR-farce (Schmierentheater) are the usual culprits who, before the Great Financial Crisis, supported the competitiveness Agenda 2010 and promoted the deregulation and liberalization of Germany's financial sector: Joerg Asmussen, member of the ECB-Board and former state secretary in the finance ministry who arranged billion-€uro taxpayer bailouts for several German zombie banks, predicts a return of the 'sick man of europe' status for Germany if the country cannot fix its current "weaknesses" (see "Merkel Economy Shows Neglect Amid Concern Sick Man to Return", Bloomberg Jan 9, 2013).
It may come as a surprise that the strongest economy of the eurozone - an island of prosperity - may have weaknesses, given that the country boasts record employment levels, record export sales and tax receipts, a budget close to surplus and negative market interest rates on its federal bonds (meaning investors are paying for the honor of providing credit to Germany and the German people). But according to some economists, Germany's industrial production growth is too slow, labor costs are too high, productivity is not keeping pace with wage deals, the labor force is aging and shrinking, and "then there's the skills issue" (Joerg Asmussen [1]: "the workers of tomorrow aren't getting the education they need to compete globally" and - god forbid - the country has lost its top-five spot in the competitiveness index of the World Economic Forum (see the Bloomberg article mentioned above) .
Oh boy ! The world export champion and whip-cracker for competitiveness in the eurozone is loosing its competitiveness ? The world is coming to an end !
Not mentioned is a small but decisive detail: between 2000 and 2010 the German work force hasn't benefited from any wage increases but instead suffered real wage losses, witnessed the spreading of precarious employment contracts formerly unknown in Germany, and cut-throat downward wage competition leading to hourly wages of €1 in some cases. While Germany's Agenda 2010 policies thus achieved a real devaluation of unit labor costs, these beggar-thy-neighbor policies created the huge trade imbalances which are at the root of the euro crisis:
The correct economic policy response to redress these imbalances would be to promote wage increases in Germany instead of economically non-sensical austerity measures in the euro zone's periphery. Yet, Germany's genius economists plan to worsen the imbalances by artificially manufacturing a non-existing economic crisis in Germany as an excuse for a second round of Agenda policies (see my blog "the role of crises for....shock therapy" and some reactions to the planned Agenda 2020 here and here).
Can't say we didn't warn you about what will happen after a reelection of the Merkel government. If you don't like it, do something to prevent this outcome NOW !
“I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.”
(Galileo Galilei)
[1] Obviously, there is nothing wrong with the skills set of the German work force or they wouldn't be able to sell such excellently made export goods sought after by the entire planet. But what about your skills issues, Mr. Asmussen? Got an overdose of neo-liberal ideology and business economics ? Where were your superior skills when you recommended the financial deregulation and liberalization policies that cost German taxpayers hundreds of billion €uros ? It's time you paid for this, Mr. Asmussen !
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